Joseph Hobby
Active by nature, Joseph grew up on a farm in Georgia where a hard day's work was deeply ingrained in him. Far from the high mountains, he was introduced to the cliffs of gneiss tucked into the southern Appalachians. After cutting his teeth on rock routes during his younger years, he moved out to the western US, where training in the alpine and expeditions became an integral part of his life.
Joseph's dedication to the mountains has awarded him a proficiency in many different styles of climbing including traditional, alpine, ice and mixed. His fondness and contagious devotion to ski mountaineering does not go unnoticed among his partners and guests. When he’s not splitting time between Salt Lake City, UT and Chamonix, FR, these passions lead him around the world in pursuit of shared climbing and ski objectives.
Guiding and personal highlights include multiple new routes and unclimbed peaks established in the central Alaska range. Expeditions to the Himalaya and South America. And beyond guiding, Joseph has logged a decade in the outdoor industry in sales management, product development, and marketplace consulting.
Sponsors: MILLET, BLUE ICE, Faction Skis
Locations Available: North America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and South America