How To: Certified Guide Directory

  • Who can be listed on the directory?

    To be listed on the directory, one needs to be fully certified by the American Mountain Guide Association in at least one discipline. Once on the directory, they can offer to guide other services they are not fully certified in.

  • What are the certifications?

    Within the American Mountain Guide Association, there are three separate disciplines including rock, ski and alpine. If you acquire all three, you’re considered an AMGA Mountain Guide and gain international recognition as an IFMGA Mountain Guide.

  • Should I choose an IFMGA guide over a single discipline guide?

    Short answer, it depends. I believe most of the guiding industry would agree with me when I say this, but there are plenty of single discipline guides that are levels above their multiple discipline counter parts. But the same can be said for the inverse of that statement.

  • How hard is it to become certified in a discipline?

    Pretty hard. Each discipline involves at minimum three courses/exams. To make it to the next step, you must pass your previous exam and build out your resume of impressive climbs or ski descents before applying to the next step. The failure rate is not low.

  • Is this a pay to play list?

    That is a firm no. The guides on this list are able to apply freely and as long as they are certified in a single discipline, they’ll make the cut and we’ll generate a profile for them.

  • How do I apply?

    You can apply through this link . After filling out all of the information and we verify you are indeed certified, you must send several images including a profile photo & a few action images for the profile. If you do not send images, the profile will not be posted.