Avalanche Awareness Course

This fully online course serves as an introduction to the basics of avalanche education. Included will be discussions regarding avalanche type & dynamics, terrain, weather, required gear, rescue techniques, backcountry hazards and snowpack evaluation.

This course is recommended as the first step in your avalanche education as it’s the perfect primer for your initial season of ski touring, getting ready for a REC 1 avalanche course or as a avalanche refresher course. Students that participate in the Avalanche Awareness Course range from beginners to experienced backcountry skiers. This course should be paired with learning from experienced partners.

A certificate of completion is provided upon scoring a minimum of 70% on the final quiz.

Avalanche Awareness Course
One time

✓ Unlimited Lifetime Access
✓ 8 Modules
✓ Asynchronous Learning
✓ Taught By A Certified AMGA Ski Guide
✓ Quizzes To Test Your Understanding

What Topics Are Covered?

  • Introductions to avalanche terminology, types and dynamics. The first module will lay the foundation for a long career of backcountry skiing.

  • Discussions of the avalanche triangle and how weather, snowpack and terrain ultimately interact with the human factor.

  • Full, in-depth review of avalanche rescue techniques and applications.

  • Travel considerations, incorporating safe decision making to maximize safety while recreating in the backcountry environment.

  • Understanding how to read and convey an avalanche forecast. From surface level information to a deeper understanding of all that goes into the daily forecast.

  • Investigations into a case study of a recent avalanche accident and to understand the potential root cause in terms of snow, terrain, weather and human factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • None! This is an introductory avalanche course, something that is encouraged to be taken before entering a REC 1 avalanche course.

  • Anyone! Whether you're a complete beginner or somebody looking to refresh their knowledge, this course will bring you up to speed.

    While the focus is human powered backcountry recreation (ski, hike, climb), all of the information is applicable to machine powered recreation (snow bike, snowmobile).

  • Simply put, yes. The entire course was created following the educational parameters established by the American Avalanche Association for online avalanche awareness courses.

  • That is not the intention. This course is meant to be a great educational primer for somebody that plans to gain experience with established guides or partners.

    For example, since this is an online format, you do not get real world practice of avalanche rescue. Rather, you're educated on the process so that you can then go practice with partners in the field.

  • If you're interested in providing this course to any of the mentioned organizations, please email will@mtnmapping.com for more information.

Avalanche Instructor

Online Avalanche Awareness Course

Will McKay is one of less than six hundred American Ski Guides certified by the American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) and works as a mountain guide & avalanche forecaster in Utah. He holds a degree in Environmental Studies with a minor in Geography. For nearly a decade, Will has spent his time working and recreating in the mountains, charting adventures to some of the world’s highest peaks and remote woodlands. Through these experiences, he’s honed his tactics for both physical and digital navigation. He has become one of the authoritative voices on mapping for outdoor travel. Additionally, he holds his PRO II Avalanche certification from the American Avalanche Association.

A Donation Per Student

Within the course is a form that allows students to select or write in their local avalanche forecasting center. A one time donation of $3 from the student fee is given to that forecasting center at the end of the following month.

Avalanche forecasting centers are the backbone of the backcountry skiing community, Typically underfunded and overworked, these critical teams depend on charitable donation to pay staff throughout the year. This small donation is our attempt to help out.

Avalanche Awareness Course
One time

Get unlimited, anytime access to our full length avalanche awareness course. This serves as a great prerequisite course for a REC 1 avalanche course or as refresher for those more experienced backcountry users.

✓ Unlimited Lifetime Access
✓ 8 Modules
✓ Asynchronous Learning
✓ Taught By A Certified AMGA Ski Guide
✓ Quizzes To Test Your Understanding