Tagg Cole

Tag­g start­ed to rock climb­ing in the foothills of the Teton Range around his home of Jack­son Wyoming at the age of two. He stuck with the sport through­out his child­hood and start­ed to alpine climb and ice climb as a teenager. Since then Tag­g has spent his time climb­ing all over the Unit­ed States and across the globe­. Going on expeditions to Alaska and the Himalayas.

Tag­g had climbed up to 5.13-, WI6+, and M10+. Besides climbing in the winter he skis and has skied the Grand Teton numerous times and enjoys climb­ing and skiing on all kinds of terrain, as well as shar­ing expe­ri­ences in the moun­tains with oth­ers.

Location Available: Wyoming, Washington, Montana

Will McKay

A local to Salt Lake City, Utah, Will McKay lives and breathes mountain pursuits in the Wasatch Range and beyond. He enjoys any time he gets to spend in the outdoors, with his partner, or their two kittens.


Kristin Arnold & Sheldon Kerr


Drew Layman