Jesse began rock climb­ing in 2002 while in col­lege in the southeast. Following graduation and wanting to climb in larger and colder environments, he maxed out his cred­it card on ice and ski gear before moving to Mon­tana where he learned to climb in the mountains through mistakes and luck. He’s since climbed and skied in a number of countries and across the US.

Currently based in Western Colorado, Jesse guides mostly in CO, UT, WA, and AK throughout the year. Known for his calm demeanor and terrible wit, he's a fun person to learn from or spend the day going after a climbing objective.

Locations: Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Washington, Montana, Alaska, Nevada


Will McKay

A local to Salt Lake City, Utah, Will McKay lives and breathes mountain pursuits in the Wasatch Range and beyond. He enjoys any time he gets to spend in the outdoors, with his partner, or their two kittens.

Adam Snyder


Pete Lardy