Blake Votilla

Blake was raised on the east coast in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, far from the big mountains and deep snow that we know in the Tetons. He moved to Montana in 2010 to attend the University of Montana. During his time in college, Blake ran the UM Backcountry Skiing Club. This was the start of his guiding career. Blake’s guiding has included work in Canada, the Alps, South America, Denali, the PNW, and extensive work throughout the Rockies, and here in the Tetons.

Currently, Blake is an AMGA Certified Ski Guide leading backcountry ski adventures around the globe, and works for Exum Mountain Guides here in the Tetons during the winter. Blake also developed and runs an educational backcountry skiing program for local Jackson kids and teenagers.

Locations Available: Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, International

Blake Votilla’s Website


Will McKay

A local to Salt Lake City, Utah, Will McKay lives and breathes mountain pursuits in the Wasatch Range and beyond. He enjoys any time he gets to spend in the outdoors, with his partner, or their two kittens.

Brian Johnson


Juliana García